Sunday, July 22, 2018

Rose II: Signposts and Necessary Evil

The problem I discussed in the last post, the first of the inaptly named Rose problems, was just a small, very specific case of a big general problem. When I first discover a seemingly rich vein of problem ore, there appear to be hundreds of directions to dig in. Who knows which direction I have to dig in to get the best problem gems (the hardest ones, if you will); it’s only after you find some that you start to get an understanding of the layout of the deposit. So, I’m going to try digging in a bunch of directions, trying to see what I can find.

First, let me restate the problem, as generally as I can. You have some kind of discrete infinite space, and an infinite number of tokens to place on points, and there are rules about configurations of adjacent tokens that aren’t allowed, and your task is to cover the largest possible percentage of the space.

Now, I’ve solved this for the specific case of the discrete infinite space being an infinite 2D checkerboard, and for the rules being “you can have only 1 or 3 tokens in a row horizontally or vertically”. The solution to that case is that 75% of the space, and the proof is in Rose I


The next thing to do is list a few promising directions to dig in, and then go explore them. Here goes.

Problem variable manipulations – we’ve solved it for a specific case, but let’s think about the heart of the problem so we can see how many specifics there really was.
  •        We could try solving the same problem in 3, 4, or N dimensions.
  •        We could change the rules (of what configurations aren’t allowed).
  •        We could add the concept of multi-dimensional rules (such as a two by two square of tokens are not allowed)
  •        We could change the layout of the grid to isometric / other more complicated tilings
  •        Etc. I’m sure we’ll think of more as we get deeper in.

Rule Obsolescence – Oddly enough, it looks like the rule “you’re not allowed to have exactly two tokens in a row” in Rose I didn’t matter at all. If we re-allow that, the end result doesn’t change. That means that given a set of rules, some of them may be made obsolete by the others – and that sounds like it’s worth exploring.

Alternate Coverings – There might be many equally efficient ways to cover a space; how many? Are they isomorphic to the original, or are they new and unique?


Finally, a note on terminology before I conclude this post. Yeah, I know; this is the awful part, the fatal flaw that prevents a mainstream love for math. But I promise it’ll be quick. I’m sure you already know that it’s necessary.

A Rose Problem considers some discrete N-dimensional space, and asks what is the maximum percentage of that space that can be covered (colored, as you’ll see in a moment), subject to certain rules.

To make things more fundamental, let’s switch from the “tokens covering a chessboard” metaphor to one of points and colors. Discrete spaces are made of Points, and points can be Colored instead of covered with a token. So I might say that 75% of this space can be colored, given the rules. Also, this opens up the possibility of multiple colors used on a space, and that could lead to some interesting optimizations.

Finally, Rules are patterns of colors that are not allowed in the final coloring of the space. I’ve been thinking of rules as negative (as in, you’re not allowed to use this particular pattern) rather than positive (as in, you must use this pattern), and I think it makes sense to keep it that way. Positive rules won’t matter as we go to infinity, unless we impose some sort of regularity to it (such as, in every 10x10x10 cube, this pattern must exist once), and that feels horribly contrived.

Phew. That’s it. More good stuff and less necessary evil in the next post.