Monday, June 18, 2018

Three-In-A-Row (Rose I)

Imagine your garden-variety infinite chessboard, with an accompanying infinite number of tokens. Now, imagine your task is to cover as much of the board as possible with tokens, one token to a space, but there are two accompanying rules. You’re not allowed to have more than three tokens in a row horizontally or vertically, and you’re not allowed to have exactly two tokens in a row horizontally or vertically. That is, these configurations are allowed:

And these are not.

This is the form that this problem originally took for me. It happened when I was playing with the placement of apps on my phone’s home screen; I’d be willing to bet that 90% of these interesting problems I think of originate from some mundane task in my life.

In any case, let’s try to solve the problem. Given these placement rules, what is that maximum percent of the plane that you can cover?

Of course, there’s many many more problems waiting to be uncovered here. When I find a potentially rich vein of problem ore, I immediately give it a name that does not age well, and often ends up being completely irrelevant to the fully explored problem. So, let’s continue that tradition by naming this set of problems Rose problems, a corruption of “rows.” Three-in-a-row, rows, Rose. A terrible, annoyingly catchy name, which is an essential bit of character for a dry math problem set. I’m sure there’s much more to come on the Rose problems soon enough!